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Maggies Gives Away More Lollipops!

Tabitha Caplinger

Hi! This is Maggie again!!!

So, I took over Tab's blog a couple weeks ago so we could all have a positive moment to release the stress and anxiety brought on by watching Avengers Infinity Wars. Since I firmly believe lollipops make life better and at the request of Tab's daughter I am taking over again.

This time of year is always a little sad for Tab. If you weren't aware (and honestly I'm not sure how you could not be aware) she loves TV. Like, really really loves it. She gets super invested in her fave shows and the made up lives of her fave fictional characters. Well, it's that time where summer is here and so are season finales. This is the biggest show hole moment of the year and it can be difficult. I mean, how are we supposed to wait like three whole months to find out what happened to Oliver Queen or the Winchesters? How can they bring us to the brink with those cliffhangers and then just drop us off that 'cliff of all the feels' leaving us falling until the fall? It's not right I say!

But, alas, we can't do much about it except find something to binge and give some lollipops to our fave tv characters in hopes they will return to us unscathed during the next fall premiere week.

Let's do this!

1. Supernatural

This is Tab's favorite. She has been ride or die with those boys since the very beginning and it never gets easier to say goodbye for the summer. Sam and Dean get pie flavored lollipops. Apple, cherry, blueberry, really doesn't matter which kind of pie but pie. Because PIE!

2. Arrow

Oliver Queen needs a vacation y'all. Like to sit on a beach somewhere and not worry about a thing. The guy just can't catch a break. I mean can the bad guys try to corrupt a different city just once? Oliver gets a Key Lime Pie lollipop. I promise this isn't all going to be pie themed but it's perfect, it'll feel like a beach vacation plus the green matches his outfit.

3. The Flash

Speaking of superheroes, let's talk Barry Allen. He gets a cinnamon lollipop. Red matches his super suit and the spice of cinnamon makes me think of lightning which makes me think of the lightning that shows up when he runs so it makes sense. A second option would be coffee flavored but I don't think he needs the caffeine.

4. Jane the Virgin

Okay, that cliffhanger was just mean. I mean I don't even want to give them lollipops because of it. We stared at the screen for like 5 minutes with our jaws dropped over this one. It was really not a cool way to leave us hanging. However, the narrator probably shares our feelings so he gets a Rocky Road lollipop. It seems appropriate.

5. Siren

This show is new to us and we aren't even sure how much we like it but it is about mermaids and so I'm adding it. They get Sea Salted Caramel lollipops because sea salt...for the mermaids...get it?

We could keep going and going...and going, Tab watches a lot of tv y'all, but we won't. I feel like I would start getting too cliche and I have a higher standard than just giving the cast of Hawaii-five 0 pineapple lollipops. We're all better than that. Therapy lollipops require more imagination or whimsy.

I will throw in a couple bonuses because not all is lost in the show hole of summer hiatus.

* Poldark

This little PBS treasure is supposed to come back in July and we are stoked. I mean it's real good. REAL. GOOD. In an effort to be historically accurate they get figgy pudding lollipops. I mean I'm not sure exactly when figgy pudding became a thing but it is probably close enough. The other option was a molasses lollipop and that just doesn't seem as fun. Say figgy and tell me you aren't smiling?

*Wonder Woman

Okay, this isn't a tv show but do we really care? We will bring up Wonder Woman whenever we can because WONDER WOMAN!!! She gets a vanilla ice cream flavor lollipop. If you don't understand that reference go watch the movie. With everything heading into season finales you have the time.

What is the show you most hate seeing go on summer vacation? Let us know in the comments and bonus points if you tell us which lollipop flavor you'd give the cast.

PS: All the GIFs came from Giphy. They get all the credit for their wonder and awesomeness.

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