Tabitha writes stories with a touch of the fantastical for young women, and the not-so-young women, struggling to know who they are and what they are worth. She wants to help them discover their identity and live for their purpose on purpose.
Tabitha is also a wife, mom, pastor, and professed TV addict. It’s seriously a problem but she doesn't plan on getting help anytime soon, however, she’d be happy to talk about Supernatural or Buffy or just about any show with you. She loves good TV so much, mostly because she loves the stories. She can't help but get lost in the worlds created, and invested in the lives of the characters. She brings that same passion for the story and characters to her writing, whether it's slaying demons or dragons.
When she isn’t writing, Tabitha, her husband, and two beautifully sassy daughters desire to be Jesus with skin on for those around them. They live to love others...and for Marvel movies.