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Do something.

Tabitha Caplinger

This morning I dropped my oldest daughter off for her first day of first grade. We sat in the private transportation line waiting for our turn and praying for God's provision for the day and the year. It's our little morning tradition. I hold her little hand and ask God to protect her and her heart, and to help her to be kind to others so they can see Him. She smiles and says amen with me and then waves goodbye as she ventures into her day.

Watching her walk into that school building this morning I thought of all the students starting a new school year today, this week, this month. Summer has come to a bright end and new outfits have been laid out for that first day.

But, besides that first day outfit, what kind of impression will you make this year? (Even if you're out of school, there's no time like the present for some self evaluation.)

I tell students in our youth ministry all the time, "You can do nothing wrong and still be doing nothing right." Too often we focus on just being good and aren't really proactive in our faith.

Believe me, being good is important. I know with each generation it gets harder and harder to cover that 'do nothing wrong' part. But I want my daughters and myself to set our expectations a little higher. I want to look at the world around me, be it a classroom, job, home, church, street, store, whatever, and ask what can I do right here?

What can I do to grow my own relationship with Jesus?

What can I do to help someone else?

What can I do to let someone kow they are loved?

What can I do so the world doesn't just hear about Jesus but they see Him?

"Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless." Isaiah 1:17 MSG

Let this year be the start of doing, not just saying. Step out of your comfort zone and act on your faith. Get closer to God, not just for your benefit but so that others will see and know and feel His presence through you.

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