Wow! That title sounds really ominous. LOL. This is meant to be a fun post. This is the "I get to tell you the title and show you the cover of the final installment in The Chronicle of the Three Trilogy" post. And people, it's soooooo pretty. Like double EEK and happy dancing pretty! Dance with me!!! (Sorry for all the exclamation points but I'm that excited, y'all.)
Are you done dancing yet? If not just pause for a second so that you can take in all the awesomeness that is this cover. Ready? Really ready? it is...just scroll down...slowly so you don't miss any of the awesome...slowly...

Isn't it gorgeous? I think it might be my favorite of the three. (Shhh, don't tell the other TCO3 covers because I don't want them to get jealous.) Doesn't it make you want to happy dance again? Dance with me some more!
The final showdown is fast approaching, and a grief-stricken Zoe is forced to count the cost of her destiny. As the losses mount, her strength wanes.
Even if the Chosen find the Eden Sword in time, will Zoe be strong enough to wield it? Will she be able to stand against the darkness as the promised Daughter of the ancient prophecy? Or will she be consumed by the fear of her nightmares becoming real?
Fear or faith?
Even the Chosen must choose.
In this final installment of The Chronicle of the Three, light and darkness collide as Zoe discovers there is more than one battlefield in this war.
In honor of this epic moment I am giving away a gift set which includes signed copies of TCO3: Bloodline and TCO3: Armor-bearer, an Amazon gift card so you can purchase Eden Sword when it releases, bookmarks, TCO3 bookish buttons and some cool character art prints. Oh, and a lollipop because they just make life better. (Two other entrants will win $5 Amazon gift cards.) Click the image above to enter.
I'd love for you to help share the cover love on your social media. (This is also one way to enter the giveaway.) Feel free to snag one of the images in the gallery below or create your own fun Eden Sword graphic and post it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. Use #TCO3EdenSword so I can find it. It'd also be awesome if you could include the link to this post or just so your friends and followers can get more information on The Chronicle of the Three Trilogy. You rock socks!
PS: I can't wait for you to read this book so we can talk about all the feels and romance and feels and pie and feels.