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A New Home

Tabitha Caplinger

In April I found out I would be losing my publisher, Booktrope. (It's a not so long story that you can catch up on the details about here.)

After a few days of panic and prayer I still didn't have a plan. Would I seek out a new publisher or agent? Would I self-publish? It was a quirker. And the idea of it all hurt a little bit because I loved my Vox Dei family. (The Christian Imprint of Booktrope.)

In a social media post another Vox Deian mentioned being a partner at a new Indie Publisher. I remember thinking, 'I wonder if they would want to take my books on?' I looked them up and realized they only did local authors, and I wasn't local to them, so I tossed that thought aside knowing that God knew what He was doing and I just needed to keep praying and looking for the right path.

Two days later the same person posted that she had talked to her partners and they were willing to take on some authors and expand their company. Reading that post it was one of those moments where you just know God is up to something. It's as close to a neon sign pointing you in the right direction as you are going to get. And I didn't want to miss it so I immediately sent her a private message offering my book as a potential candidate for their press.

Several messages, and emails and meetings and days later I got the all important invitation to join the Blue Ink Press family. The moment I opened the email I had such peace, knowing God had had this set up before I even knew I would need a new home for my book babies.

I am so excited to be a part of Blue Ink Press!! A publishing calendar has already been set and The Chronicle of the Three: Bloodline will rerelease July 5th and Armor-Bearer will be coming early February 2017. (I know that's a long wait but I promise it will be worth it.)

be sure to follow me on social media or subscribe to my email newsletter to keep up with all the release fun that will be happening, and trust me, fun will be happening!!

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